Editorial Board

Катречко Сергей Леонидович
Katrechko Sergey Leonidovich (Editor-in-Chief)
— PhD in Philosophy (Logic) [The Candidate of Philosophical Sciences], associative Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN), Head of the Department of Philosophy and Theology of the St. John the Theologian’s Moscow Orthodox Institute, Associate Professor (Moscow, Russia).
Соболева Майя Евгеньевна
Soboleva Maja Evgenievna
— Dr. Habil., adjunct-professor, Philipps University of Marburg (Marburg, Germany).
Шиян Анна Александровна
Shiyan Anna Aleksandrovna
— Candidate of Philosophy, Associated Professor at the Department of social Philosophy of Philosophical Faculty of Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia).
Хоган Десмонд
Hogan Desmond
— Associate Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University (Princeton, USA).
Форджионе Лука
Luca Forgione
— PhD, in Philosophy of Language, Associate Professor in Philosophy of Language and in Philosophy of mind at the University of Basilicata (Basilicata, Italy).
Managing Editors:
Шамарина Елена Тимуровна
Shamarina Elena Timurovna
— Specialist in Educational and Methodical work of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Philosophy, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia).
Форджионе Лука
Evstigneev Maxim Dmitrievich
— Student, Research Intern, Philosophy school, Laboratory of Transcendental Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, HSE (Moscow, Russia).