The Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences is pleased to invite you to participate in the international conference ‘The History of Concepts: Epistemological Traditions and Methodological Innovations’ that is taking place on December 17-18, 2020.
The organisers’ goal is to reactualise the well-established research academic ‘platform’ of the History of Concepts (Begriffsgeschichte) in Russian historical science, the implementation of which involves accomplishing the following specific objectives, namely:
Proposals might address, but are not limited to, any of the following topics:
Individual proposals to be sent to by November 1, 2020. Proposals for individual papers should not be longer than 200-250 words; the speaker’s name, institutional affiliation, academic degree, and e-mail should be included.
Proposals for panels to be sent to by October 20, 2020. Proposals should not exceed 100 words; the moderator’s name should be included together with the names of at least 3 speakers as well as their institutional affiliations, academic degrees, and e-mails.
The conference is to be held on-line.
The conference’s languages are Russian and English.
Papers, selected by the organising сommittee, will be suggested for publication in the Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”; WoS), in 2021.
По результатам конференции планируется публикация лучших текстов в ЭНОЖ «История» в 2021 г.